Wednesday, May 6, 2020

My Fundamental Beliefs About Teaching - 1886 Words

Vocational Training Development Institute Diploma Programme in Education and Training Psychology of Teaching and Learning Question You are a new teacher, and a parent of someone in your class wants to know your beliefs about teaching. What would you tell this person? Module 1 Assignment Lecturer: Ms. Mauva McCarthy Name: Dwayne McIntosh-McKay Course Code: Ed 504 Due Date: October 2, 2010 You are a new teacher, and a parent of someone in your class wants to know your beliefs about teaching. What would you tell this person? Introduction I believe that every student who enters my classroom can succeed. Teaching should be student centered and students should be accountable for their learning and†¦show more content†¦With proper motivation, encouragement, and equipping, I believe that my students can achieve unexpectedly good results. I also believe that my students would observe academic integrity, if I persistently teach them to. I believe that every student has something to teach me. In order to facilitate sharing of ideas by my students, I wish to develop a safe atmosphere where my students feel that their thoughts and opinions are valued. A teacher is more than a source of learning, or a facilitator of knowledge. A teacher should be a mentor and a trusted adult with whom students feel safe to share both accomplishments and challenges. I believe that every student should be treated as an individual and that every individual deserves excellence in education. I believe parents should be instrumental in their child’s growth, make sure they are included. Parents know their child best, so parents should be included, and invited into the classroom, and participate actively in their childs learning. As a teacher, I believe in building a good relationship with the student so that we can trust each other. Once you have the childs trust, they will be an eager participant in their own learning community. I believe a teacher should guild their students as they develop their character, values and thinking. A student needs to develop his or her own personality, and mind. They need positive role models,Show MoreRelatedThe On Gospel Essentials Of The United States1489 Words   |  6 PagesEssentials One of the fundamental rights in the U.S. constitution is guaranteed to all citizens in the first amendment. We have the right to practice any religion of our choosing, including the practice of no religion at all. The framers of the constitution even put the freedom of religion before our rights to free speech and free press (Haiman). This constitutional right allows America’s blend of naturalists, pantheists, theists, and spiritualists to practice their beliefs without interferenceRead MorePeace in Both Christianity and Islam Essays702 Words   |  3 Pagespersonal wholeness, righteousness, political justice, and prosperity for all creation. 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